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The Imitation of Christ

Today, I completed a 419-page version of The Imitation of Christ. A book from centuries ago translated from Latin to English by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton (published in 2014). It was a period of reading and contemplation that took several months. Due to its length and subject matter, but as I drew near the end of the book it was apparent that it is necessary to read more than once. It became clear why many people have read it frequently and often over several hundred years. It also serves as a devotional companion, especially among Roman Catholic believers devoted to Christ and His teachings. This short-written post offers some edited thoughts about the book and its subject matter, but it will be necessary to read it again as it is meant for deeper contemplation and application.


ISBN: 13-978-1494975258

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is one of the most influential Christian books ever written, guiding readers on how to live a life that closely follows the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Written in the early 15th century, this book is a simple yet profound manual on deepening one’s spiritual life. It’s divided into four main books, each focusing on different aspects of Christian living, like how to be humble, resist temptation, and find peace in God. Thomas à Kempis wrote this book intending to help people grow closer to God by imitating Christ daily.

The book emphasizes the importance of inner transformation over external actions. Thomas à Kempis teaches that true peace and happiness come from within by aligning our thoughts and desires with God’s will. He encourages readers to practice humility, patience, and obedience, showing how these virtues can help us live Christ-like lives. The book also offers practical advice on dealing with challenges and temptations, reminding us that we can overcome life’s difficulties by focusing on Christ and trusting in God’s guidance.

The Imitation of Christ has inspired countless people throughout the centuries, including many saints and spiritual leaders. Its teachings are timeless, offering valuable lessons for anyone seeking to grow in their faith. Even today, the book remains a powerful tool for spiritual development, helping readers to reflect on their lives and strive to live more like Jesus. Thomas à Kempis’s message is clear: by imitating Christ in our thoughts, words, and actions, we can find true meaning and fulfillment in life.

Author – Thomas à Kempis

Thomas à Kempis was a German monk and writer born around 1380 in Kempen, near Cologne. He is best known for writing The Imitation of Christ, one of the most influential Christian books ever written. Thomas joined a religious community called the Brethren of the Common Life, a group dedicated to living simply and focusing on spiritual growth. He later became a monk in the monastery of Mount St. Agnes in the Netherlands, where he spent most of his life. Thomas devoted himself to prayer, copying religious texts, and guiding others in their spiritual lives.

Thomas à Kempis was known throughout his life for his deep humility, devotion to God, and quiet, reflective nature. He wasn’t famous during his lifetime, but his writings, especially The Imitation of Christ, have moved Christians worldwide. Thomas’s work continues to inspire people to live more spiritually focused lives, emphasizing the importance of inner peace, humility, and following Jesus’s example. He died in 1471, but his teachings remain a timeless guide for those seeking to deepen their relationship with God.

Admonitions for Humility

The first book emphasizes the importance of humility and simplicity. Thomas à Kempis encourages readers to live modestly, avoid worldly distractions, and focus on God. He teaches that true wisdom and peace come not from seeking knowledge for its own sake but from living a life that reflects Christ’s teachings. By practicing humility—recognizing our own limitations and being open to learning from others—we can develop a deeper relationship with God and find contentment in our spiritual journey.

Concerning the Interior Life

In the second book, Thomas à Kempis discusses the importance of cultivating a strong inner life. He emphasizes self-reflection, meditation, and prayer as essential practices for spiritual growth. The author also highlights the value of humility, patience, and contentment, urging readers to find joy in God rather than in worldly achievements. This book teaches that by focusing on our inner relationship with God, we can build a foundation of peace and strength that will carry us through life’s challenges.

Of Internal Consolations

The third book addresses the difficulties and trials that are part of life. Thomas à Kempis encourages readers to seek comfort in God during tough times and to view suffering as an opportunity for spiritual growth. He teaches that hardships can deepen our faith if we bear them with patience and trust in God’s plan. The author reassures readers that God is always present, offering strength and guidance and that perseverance through trials will lead to greater spiritual maturity and closeness to Christ.

The Blessed Sacrament

The final book focuses on the Eucharist. Thomas à Kempis explains the profound spiritual significance of the Eucharist as a means of uniting with Christ and receiving His grace. He urges readers to approach the sacrament with reverence, humility, and a pure heart. Regular participation in the Eucharist is presented as a vital practice for growing in holiness and deepening one’s relationship with Christ, serving as a source of spiritual nourishment and strength.


The Imitation of Christ is a timeless work that offers practical and spiritual guidance for Christians seeking to live a life more aligned with the teachings of Jesus. Through its emphasis on humility, inner peace, perseverance in trials, and the significance of the Eucharist, Thomas à Kempis provides a comprehensive roadmap for spiritual growth. The book’s teachings continue to inspire and challenge readers to deepen their faith, live simply and humbly, and seek a closer relationship with God in all aspects of their lives.