The Fountain of Antiquity

The Acts narrative presents a strategy involving the coverage of an area to reach new believers appointed to the Kingdom within the first century of developing Christendom throughout Asia-minor and Eastern Europe. At selected towns and routes, Paul would inform people of the gospel, proclaim its truth and lead people to their life of faith through repentance, baptism, and continued discipleship. Along Paul’s travels, he remained outspoken to inform others of the gospel while teaching new believers. At times, his stay’s duration would remain as suitable to a local population’s conditions and how receptive it was. Where and when appropriate, Barnabas, Silas, Lydia, Timothy, Aquilla, Priscilla, and others would remain behind or would get directed elsewhere to assure the effective formation of churches and the leaders among them that emerged. He coordinated the development of churches with collaborators he met and shepherded along the way.

Paul relied upon his ministry collaborators to achieve synergies where the sum of their parts was greater than the whole. Yet he knew that the work in the hearts of people belonged with the Holy Spirit. Moreover, his steps were directed in terms of timing, territories visited, and the risks that were taken. In addition to the common use of synagogues, where suitable or appropriate, he would make effective use of public speaking places to get the attention and interest of townspeople. He would also leverage people of notoriety, who were in an official capacity, and some affluence. Merchants, proconsuls, court officials, magistrates, and others were of influence upon people to project or cast social leverage.

Paul’s resilience was a direct function of his confidence in Christ. The Spirit of Christ within him was the propelling source of endurance in suffering and hardship.

His message was to illuminate the life of Jesus. His identity, deity, status, arrival, death, and resurrection, including His redemptive work. This was his pronounced subject of irrefutable truth. Through the circular letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 15:1-4), Paul wrote to the Church in Asia Minor the gospel to reinforce his message with rigorous and persistent attention that they are saved from their sins through Christ. That if they repent and place their trust in Him, they would be saved and become reconciled to God, their Creator, who loves them. They would inherit the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and what He has promised for them through the gospel.

Key to the retention of those added to the Kingdom was the Holy Spirit’s presence within His people. Where Paul and his companions would rejoice at what YHWH would accomplish among those the Apostles loved. The people of the growing Church would see salvation from reason, scripture, conviction, and truth to both understand and accept the gospel regardless of the outcome. To reveal God’s provision of Jesus as the Messiah, while in Athens, Paul spoke in the context of pagan beliefs. In contrast, in Berea, he spoke from the depth and proper interpretation of sacred Scripture. In Corinth, he spoke publicly and privately outside the synagogue that rejected his message and teaching. His overall strategy was common, but his method varied depending upon conditions that developed at the time.

The healings, exorcisms, and other wonders performed were alarming. Events were occurring that ought not to normally happen. To say people were astonished at what took place is a punctuated understatement. It also can not be overstated the validated reputation and affect his miracles and wonders had on people receptive to the gospel. The potency of what occurred by the power of the Holy Spirit within him was impossible to ignore or dismiss. 


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.

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