
This short summary offers a bit of background that may give some context about what posts appear on this site. Much of the subject matter here concerns theology, but there are many other interests as well. This is a personal site that captures and records thoughts and activities around the life of the mind and some historical projects, events, and creative work that have happened from personal endeavors. This area gets updates occasionally, but these are a few major areas of interest that stand out.


Immediately out of high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served as an armament systems specialist on F-15 fighter aircraft. After a long period of time training in various States, I was deployed to Europe with assignments in Germany, Italy, and elsewhere. During that time, I have been to numerous countries in the region. The whole experience involved a lot of time on flight lines, in chemical warfare gear, within cockpits, inside fuselages, on missile jammer trucks, and, at times, in the air. Whether carrying missiles, loading charges, running diagnostics, servicing guns, testing cockpit systems, or simple polish work, it was a time of transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Much of that time in Europe included rock climbing in Luxembourg, hiking in Italy, biking in France, backpacking in Germany, mountain climbing in Switzerland, and skiing in Austria. During this time, I developed life disciplines, an analytical mindset, a Christ-centered worldview, and the roots of my faith that would last for a lifetime.


After the military, I earned an electrical engineering degree. It took about five years and a lot of work, but the effort contributed to my professional trajectory for many years to follow. With a continued appetite for advancement, I earned an MBA from Pepperdine with continuing coursework in numerous additional technical subjects of interest.

Historically, my occupation centers around electrical engineering, with an extensive background in technical management. Personally, and within team settings, I have developed numerous business and design projects to completion. Specifically in analog and digital microelectronics to include associated hardware, software, and firmware as integrated systems. I have a direct background in product development involving the production and support of printed circuit board assemblies with various mechanical, electro-mechanical, and optical technologies.

I have brought corporations millions in earned revenues, and I have served many people and companies in numerous countries to develop their capabilities and interests. Currently, I work for a large technology company, and I am today personally active as a developer of various electronic technologies.


There are numerous beautiful and wild places to see, explore, and stir inspiration within. That to find your way in the wilderness is also to find something more meaningful about life. Through the effort and risk of exploration, there are pain, suffering, and times of sheer exhilaration. The net outcome is a positive experience that lasts and inspires an adventure-minded person for a lifetime. Many wilderness miles I have walked while in prayer and in conversation with people I love.

I have summited over 120 peaks from class-1 walk-ups to class-5.11 technical ascents without any desire to prove anything or to seek accolades. I backpacked across the Sierra from West to East. I have completed various mountaineering, backpacking, and wilderness courses. And I’ve volunteered with Sequoia Mountain Search & Rescue, where I learned much about technical climbing and interpersonal teamwork on a whole new level. More recently, my interests have shifted to the Southwest to include wilderness locations in the area with more remote places further North.


Years ago, while alone and separated from friends at a men’s conference, I was out on an open deck at this Castle Mittersill in Austria. My heart’s desire was and is to love and serve God throughout life in a meaningful way. So in a short time of prayer, I poured out my heart and asked God for His permanent presence in my life. By invitation, to fulfill a purpose throughout the life that He wants. Not just to only satisfy personal interests while at times I was sure to get in the way. I continue to trust and pursue God for all that He wants and I am far less concerned about life pressures.

It also so happens that I’ve earned a Masters Degree in Biblical and Theological Studies at a well-known university-seminary. If for no other reason than to know God and His Word more intimately. It’s another Master’s degree I’ve earned, but it was meaningful coursework that took nearly 4-years to complete within a regionally accredited institution.

Final Thoughts

Whether it is about written thoughts, places visited, goals accomplished, or principles learned, this site is a sort of personal canvas for people who visit from time to time. I record here various influences, accomplishments, and projects to share highlights and points of interest. Everything in my past, present, and future is not a series of achievements to recognize. Instead, they are snapshots of the path I have been given to live out. So this is a summary background and some context about subjects of interest that appears on this site.
