Title: Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership
Series: Evangelical
Published by: Baker Books
Release Date: September 1, 2003
Contributors: Aubrey Malphurs (Author)
Genre: Theology
Pages: 240
ISBN13: 978-0801091438
What makes a leader a Christian leader? Too many churches and parachurch groups operate under secular leadership principles and strategies without considering what Scripture teaches. In this accessible and comprehensive book, leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs articulates a working definition of Christian leadership based on the Bible and his own extensive research.
Malphurs begins by defining a uniquely Christian leader from the inside out, from godly character and commitment to pure motives and a servant attitude. He examines the leaders of the first-century church and then discusses qualities such as credibility, capability, and influence that are essential for successful leadership. Each chapter contains helpful questions for reflection and discussion. The appendix includes numerous audits to help readers evaluate themselves on various leadership components.
Being Leaders is the first book of a two-part series on leadership. The companion book will address the how-to of building leaders.
From the Back Cover
What are the distinctive characteristics of Christian leaders?
Too many churches and parachurch groups are blindly operating under secular leadership principles and strategies. Concerned to counter this drift, leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs 1) articulates a working definition of a Christian leader and leadership based on Scripture and his own extensive research, and 2) challenges you to define and develop leadership in your ministry.
Malphurs then describes in detail the specific characteristics of leaders, such as commitment to Christ, caring, trustworthiness, a servant attitude, and having followers. Each chapter ends with helpful questions for reflection and discussion. Included in the appendices are several inventories that will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses in leadership as well as your leadership style, ideal ministry circumstances, and much more.
About the Author
Aubrey Malphurs (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is Senior Professor of Educational Ministries and Leadership and Pastoral Ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary and President of the Malphurs Group. He engages in church consulting, training and speaking, as well as the author of more than twenty ministry resource books.
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