Title: In the Steps of Saint Paul: An Illustrated Guide to Paul's Journeys
Series: Theology
Published by: Lion Books; New edition
Release Date: January 20, 2012
Contributors: Peter Walker
Genre: Theology
Pages: 216
ISBN13: 978-0745955551
In this highly engaging book, Peter Walker uses his expertise in Biblical studies and his wide experience of leading tours around the Mediterranean to bring the world of Saint Paul vividly to life. Following Luke's account in the Book of Acts and using evidence from Paul's own letters, he reconstructs the apostle's wide-ranging travels and describes the many places Paul visited as a visitor might encounter them today. In doing so he helps us to appreciate the issues that Paul confronted and to understand the motivation that drove him on. Superbly illustrated with color photographs, maps, and street plans, and supplemented with more detailed material in a series of boxed features, this book offers a splendid, rounded portrait of a most extraordinary man and of the world in which he lived.