Books Archive

Heiser – Reversing Hermon

Title: Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ
Published by: Defender Publishing
Release Date: March 24, 2017
Contributors: Michael S. Heiser
Pages: 325
ISBN13: 978-0998142630

How the writings of Peter and Paul allude to the sin of the Watchers and present Jesus as overturning the disastrous effects of their sins against humanity. How the descriptions of the antichrist, the end-times Day of the Lord, and the final judgment connect to Genesis 6 and the nephilim. Though every topic addressed in Reversing Hermon can be found in scholarly academic literature, Reversing Hermon is the first book to gather this information and make it accessible to Bible students everywhere. The book also includes lengthy appendices on the ancient debate on the inspiration of the book of 1 Enoch, New Testament allusions to the book, and academic resources for studying 1 Enoch and the Book of Giants from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers

Title: The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers
Published by: Kregel Academic
Release Date: February 23, 2018
Contributors: Abner Chou
Pages: 256
ISBN13: 978-0825443244

A method of interpretation--a hermeneutic--is indispensable for understanding Scripture, constructing theology, and living the Christian life, but most contemporary hermeneutical systems fail to acknowledge the principles and practices of the biblical writers themselves.

Christians today cannot employ a truly biblical view of the Bible unless they understand why the prophets and apostles interpreted Scripture the way they did. To this end, Abner Chou proposes a "hermeneutic of obedience," in which believers learn to interpret Scripture the way the biblical authors did―including understanding the New Testament's use of the Old Testament. Chou first unfolds the "prophetic hermeneutic" of the Old Testament authors and demonstrates the continuity of this approach with the "apostolic hermeneutic" of the New Testament authors.

In this book, Abner Chou undertakes the bold and dynamic challenge of understanding and embracing the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. Join him in the venture. See with new eyes. Understand the Bible. Have it change your life. (Jim Hamilton, Professor of Biblical Theology The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 2018-02-01)

This book is a remarkable work on every level. Dr. Chou has a grasp of the sanctified science of hermeneutics, where he has learned from the biblical writers themselves― the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament. By comprehensive knowledge of the details that yield the true interpretation of biblical texts from Genesis to Revelation; by clear grasp of the progressive nature of divine revelation; by masterful insight into the flow of redemptive history and biblical theology, Chou provides a new clarity on the unity and continuity of prophetic and apostolic hermeneutics, thus showing lucidly that the New Testament writers used the Old Testament contextually 'per its original authorial intent.'

This work, however, is not only the hermeneutical method stated. It is hermeneutics applied. To show the power of accurate hermeneutics, Chou applies them to the most difficult texts in which the New Testament writers use the Old Testament.

This book will prove to be a rare treasure not only to theologians, but to expositors who face the hard challenges that seem to betray a unified hermeneutic. Dr. Chou, dismissing simplistic solutions as inadequate because they lead to misinterpretation, presents strong arguments for the more complex approach of intertextuality that yields the true interpretation of the diligent student of Scripture. This is a book that should be in the hands of every Christian who takes God’s Word seriously. (John MacArthur, Pastor Grace Community Church 2018-02-01)

A perpetual conversation among biblical scholars concerns Scripture's use of Scripture, both the New Testament's use of the Old Testament and the Old Testament's use of the Old Testament. Though essays and books reveal differing, even competing, explanations of Scripture's use of Scripture, something of a rapprochement among diverse schools of thought seems to be emerging. Abner Chou’s contribution to this conversation reflects this as he engages leading evangelical scholars and finds wide swaths of agreement with them as both they and he take the Scriptures seriously. Whether Chou’s explanations of how the Bible's writers use earlier Scriptures convinces readers to embrace his understanding of difficult texts, his most central thesis ought to convince readers. For Chou, taking Scripture seriously includes being able to trace and reproduce how the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles and prophets used the Scriptures that existed prior to their own times. Our proper use of Scripture stands in continuity with how Scripture’s writers used Scripture. (Ardel B. Caneday, Professor of New Testament and Greek University of Northwestern 2018-02-01)

Unger’s Bible Handbook

Title: Unger's Bible Handbook
Published by: Moody Publishers
Release Date: April 1, 2005
Contributors: Merrill F. Unger
Pages: 752
ISBN13: 978-0802490568

A rich treasury of Bible information.

The New Unger's Bible Handbook remains indispensable to quality study, chocked-full of color illustrations, photographs, maps, diagrams, charts and more. Now with updated graphics, this classic is sure to be a favorite among the next generation of Bible scholars.

Encountering the New Testament

Title: Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey
Published by: Baker Academic
Release Date: May 15, 2013
Contributors: Walter A. Elwell, Robert W. Yarbrough
Pages: 448
ISBN13: 978-0801039645

Studying the New Testament can be an exciting--and intimidating--experience. This readable survey is designed to make the adventure less daunting and more rewarding. Two experienced classroom teachers offer a new edition of their bestselling and award-winning textbook, now with updated content and a new interior design.

Other distinguishing features include:
• abundant images, maps, and charts--all in full color
• sidebars that address ethical and theological concerns and provide primary source material
• focus boxes isolating key issues
• chapter outlines, learning objectives, and summaries
• study questions

Students of the New Testament will find this introductory text both informative and engaging. An accompanying website through Baker Academic's Textbook eSources offers a wide array of resources for students and professors. Resources for students include flash cards, self quizzes, and introductory videos. Resources for professors include discussion questions, suggestions for class activities, PowerPoint slides, an instructor's manual, and a test bank.

To Know and Love God: Method for Theology

Title: To Know and Love God: Method for Theology
Published by: Crossway Books
Release Date: April 10, 2003
Contributors: David K. Clark
Pages: 464
ISBN13: 978-1581344844

It is the job of all believers, not just theologians, to serve God by discerning what is true about the crucial issues of life. Our task is to learn more about God. Our privilege is to love God passionately with our minds. Clearly then, spiritual life must have theology as one of its ingredients, but this, by itself, will not guarantee a vibrant spiritual life. Rather, evangelicals must link a theological experience and an experiential theology. Knowing and loving God are both necessary.

David Clark explains how evangelical systematic theology is structured and how this discipline assists believers in understanding God more fully and worshipping him more completely. To do so, he uses strategies of analytical philosophy to reveal the nature, purposes, methods, and limits of evangelical systematic theology. He attempts to speak both to and for evangelicals, with the goal of showing how a reasonable, articulate, and credible evangelical theology can proceed.

Other questions are raised while trying to define evangelical systematic theology: Is systematic theology a legitimate intellectual enterprise? How does theology build upon the teachings of the Bible? How can evangelical theologians in different cultures assist each other? How does theology contribute to transforming society? What does the existence of other religions mean for evangelical theology? How does systematic theology relate to other intellectual disciplines? How does it connect with the life of the church? What are the purposes and the final goal of systematic theology? The answers to these questions are not ends in themselves, but assist believers in attaining the goal of knowing and loving God.

Asserting that evangelical systematic theology is the science by which evangelical believers learn of God, Clark claims that the insights of apparently contradictory viewpoints can and should be drawn together. He works past the false dilemmas, imprecision, overstatement, inferences, and generalizations that often cloud theological discussion and arrives at clear definitions, precise distinctions, careful analysis, and modest conclusions.

Clark argues that evangelical systematic theology is rooted in the Bible and focused on Christ. Good theology provides vision, fosters wisdom, and nurtures covenantal relationship with God. Good theology leads to knowing and loving God.

Scripture as Communication

Title: Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics
Published by: Baker Academic
Release Date: January 30, 2007
Contributors: Jeannine K. Brown
Pages: 320
ISBN13: 978-0801027888

Is the Bible just a book of ancient Israelite and Christian history and practices to be read? Or are we engaging in a more interactive practice when we study God's word? Jeannine K. Brown believes that communication is at the heart of what we do when we open the Bible, that we are actively engaging God in a conversation that can be life-changing. By learning about how Scripture communicates, modern readers can extract much more meaning out of the text than they could if simply reading the Bible as though it was a list of rules or a collection of stories. In Scripture as Communication, Brown offers professors, students, church leaders, and laity a basic guide to the theory and practice of biblical interpretation, helping them understand our engagement with Scriptures as primarily a communicative act.

Vine’s Expository Dictionary

Title: Vine's Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament Words
Published by: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: June 10, 2003
Contributors: W.E. Vine
Pages: 1464
ISBN13: 978-0785250531

Dig into the meanings of the words used by the original Bible authors-quickly and easily. This affordable edition of a classic study resource helps those with limited or no background in Hebrew or Greek to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages.

Vine's Expository Dictionary includes thousands of biblical words in one English A to Z listing for each Testament. Each entry covers how the word is used, its key occurrences in the Bile, its English transliteration, and definitions of its various uses in the Old or New Testament. A great resource for students, pastors, teachers, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies.

Synopsis of the Four Gospels

Title: Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Published by: United Bible Societies
Release Date: 1985
Contributors: Kurt Aland
Pages: 361
ISBN13: 978-0826705006

This is the English portion of the Greek-English Synopsis- Quattuor Evangeliorum. Revised Standard Version. UBS, New York. Revised Printing 1985. It is an authoritative and best-selling resource among Biblical scholars, seminarians, and translators worldwide. The book has a blue cloth binding with gilt lettering on the front cover and spine.

The Biblical Basis for Modern Science

Title: The Biblical Basis for Modern Science
Published by: Baker Book House
Release Date: October 1, 1984
Contributors: Henry M. Morris
Pages: 516
ISBN13: 978-0801061783

For decades, Henry Morris has been known as a defender of the Christian faith. It's an auspicious title for such a humble man, yet no one can deny that the grasp Morris has on science and faith issues is staggering.

In this updated classic, Morris walks the reader through real history by showing the absurdity of evolution. From a wide variety of sciences, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and geology, Morris presents clear evidence that the Bible gives us an astonishingly accurate record of the past, present, and future.

Grasping God’s Word

Title: Grasping God's Word
Published by: Zondervan Academic
Release Date: May 7, 2012
Contributors: J. Scott Duvall, J. Daniel Hays
Pages: 512
ISBN13: 978-0310492573

Grasping God's Word has proven itself in classrooms across the country as an invaluable help to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for themselves. The third edition, revised based on feedback from professors, will continue to serve college-level students and lay learners well in their quest to gain a firm grasp on the rock of God’s word.

Old Testament scholar J. Daniel Hays and New Testament expert J. Scott Duvall provides practical, hands-on exercises to guide students through the interpretive process. To emphasize the Bible’s redemptive arc and encourage correlation across the biblical canon, the authors have included a call to "Consult the biblical map. How does a theological principle fit with the rest of the Bible?" as an additional step in the Interpretive Journey. This edition has also been rearranged for clarity and includes updated illustrations, appendices, bibliography, and assignments.

A robust suite of learning aids is available for purchase to be used alongside the textbook to help students excel in their studies. These include a workbook, video lectures for each chapter featuring the authors, and a laminated quick study sheet with key concepts from the book. Free teaching resources for instructors and learning resources for students are available for Grasping God's Word on

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

Title: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Published by: James Strong
Release Date: May 21, 2003
Contributors: James Strong
Pages: 1920
ISBN13: 978-0785250562

The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is a concordance you can trust. There’s a reason Strong’s has continued to be the standard and most highly-regarded Bible concordance of millions for over a century; it is a rich and invaluable resource for students, scholars, pastors, and laypersons desiring an advanced, in-depth study of the Bible. It indexes every word in the King James Version, unpacks original Greek and Hebrew words, and proves itself an indispensable reference classic. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is a convenient handbook size, giving readers time-tested biblical knowledge at their fingertips. There’s no question this concordance is a standout resource.

Dr. James Strong (1822-1894) was formerly president of Troy University and professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary.

Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words

Title: An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words
Published by: Thomas Nelson Inc
Release Date: May 1, 1985
Contributors: W.E. Vine
Pages: 755
ISBN13: 978-0840753878

The most affordable complete edition of Vine's famous Old and New Testament dictionaries available, this super value edition of a classic study resource helps those with limited or no background in Hebrew or Greek to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages. A great resource for students, pastors, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies. Serves as a dictionary, commentary, and concordance.