Title: Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astronomy and Physics Reveal About the Nature of God
Published by: Navpress Publication Group
Release Date: July 1, 1996
Contributors: Hugh Ross
Genre: Theology
Pages: 231
ISBN13: 978-0891099642
Ross offers a variation on the argument proving the existence of God. He first examines the implications of the newest discoveries in quantum and particle physics that demonstrate the existence of more than four dimensions. Building also on Einstein's general and special theories of relativity, the author shows that science can not only point the way to the existence of the Creator but can also show that God is and has always been able to operate in all the universe's possible dimensions. Ross applies this extra-dimensionality of God to explain the apparent paradoxes of several theological doctrines (e.g., the Incarnation, the Trinity, free will and predestination, etc.). His blending of theology and science seeks to address the claim made by Paul Davies in his God and the New Physics (1984) that modern science provides more convincing proof of God's existence than religion. But he weakens his argument by trying to interpret scripture in terms of science. A more successful response to this claim is found in Science, Technology and Religious Ideas (Univ. Pr. of America, 1994), which acknowledges the integrity of each methodology. Recommended only where there is demand.?Pius Murray, Holy Apostles Coll. & Seminary, Cromwell, Conn.
Library Journal