There are bodies and behaviors in this universe of 4-dimensions that our mortal minds will never be able to fully comprehend. For example, the possibility of being in two places at once; Susskind’s conservation of energy. Without regard to a minimum of seven other dimensions that exist, have a purpose, and remain at work nonetheless.
This is a presentation concerning the nature of space and time relevant to modern thought. This is a comprehensive lecture that reveals the observable presence of objects in the universe in a predictable, or mathematical sense. Yet also with distinctions in behavior with respect to time, gravity, distance, expansion, contraction, and yet unexplained or unrecognized phenomena.
J1407b (1SWASP J1407 b) is a spinning disk with a planet at its center. Discovered in 2012, this is what planet formation looks like in our galaxy. It is a giant gas planet which burns at about 600 degrees—made up of hydrogen and helium. A full day is about 7 ½ hours long, and it takes nearly 10-years for it to orbit around its sun (e.g., our 1-year with its seasons). Our relative weight on the planet is at about 62 times that of the Earth.
In a far off place from the Earth, the image cursor indicates where J1407b is located in the Milky Way galaxy.
(a.) Gravitation waves exist. Just as photon particles combine to make waves of light, graviton particles make waves of gravity that travel throughout the universe.
Prediction: Distance of celestial objects can no longer be merely expressed as “light-years” away. Since gravitational waves compress, pinch, stretch and tear space-time.
Conclusion: We are going to precisely detect the presence of black holes and their collisions. And since individual people are gravitational objects, every physical movement and decision we make emanates throughout the physical universe forever.
(b.) James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Update / Status. Due to launch next year. It’s going to detect many more planets outside our solar system. Far more than Kepler has so far. It will launch to L2 orbit around the Sun for infra-red data collection.
Prediction: We are going to find M-class planets in abundance (i.e. Earth-like planets with or without an atmosphere). Probably about 3% or so of stars like our Sun. About every galaxy has/had a black hole at its center. Which can give birth to new stars without participation in the ‘Big Bang.’ Many stars have planets in their gravitational system. Planets form their being from chemical composition and gravitational forces placed upon them. We are going to discover new materials/matter not yet on the periodic table of elements.
There comes a point when the rate of expansion of the universe outpaces the speed of light (c). Meaning, the universe shall or does expand beyond our ability to ever observe it or measure its full reach. 1 Gly = 1 Billion Light Years. We can see 13.7 billion light years out. The size of the universe is so far about 46.4 billion light years in all.
“1.3 x 1026 = 13.7 Gly = 4.22 Gpe (redshift z~1,089): Hubble radius of the Universe measured as the light travel distance to the source of cosmic background radiation;
4.3 x 1026 = 46.4 Gly = 14 Gpc: particle horizon (present radius of the Universe measured as a comoving distance); it is larger than the Hubble radius, since the Universe is expanding). Also, it is ~ 2% larger that the radius of the visible universe, which includes only signals emitted later than ~380,000 years after the Big Bang;
62 Gly: cosmological event horizon (or future visibility limit): the larges comoving distance from which light will ever reach us at any time in the future.
The size of the whole Universe can be now much larger than the size of the observable one, even infinite if its curvature is 0. If the Universe will be 1031 = 1014 years (last red dwarf stars die) and 1037 in 1020 years (stars have left galaxies). If protons decay, their half-life is >= 1035 years; the estimated number of protons in the Universe is 1077 ;
The Universe, in the current Heat Death scenario, achieves beyond 101000 years such a low-energy state that the quantum events become major macroscopic phenomena, and space-time loses its usual meaning again, as below the Planck time or length;
The hypothesis of parallel universes estimates that one can find another identical copy of our Universe within the distance of 1030118m.”
Pg. 543. Encyclopedia of Distances. 2nd Edition. Deza.
This shot from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a maelstrom of glowing gas and dark dust within one of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This stormy scene shows a stellar nursery known as N159, an HII region over 150 light-years across. N159 contains many hot young stars. These stars are emitting intense ultraviolet light, which causes nearby hydrogen gas to glow, and torrential stellar winds, which are carving out ridges, arcs, and filaments from the surrounding material. At the heart of this cosmic cloud lies the Papillon Nebula, a butterfly-shaped region of nebulosity. This small, dense object is classified as a High-Excitation Blob and is thought to be tightly linked to the early stages of massive star formation. N159 is located over 160 000 light-years away. It resides just south of the Tarantula Nebula (heic1402), another massive star-forming complex within the LMC. It was previously imaged by Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, which also resolved the Papillon Nebula for the first time.
Questions about what happened before creation, its onset, or the big bang. Plenty of speculation, but astrophysicists are beginning to see how the Universe was put in place and how it was formed. Does a Presence or Creator exist right here dimensionally adjacent to us? Theoretical physicists are working within this physical space to understand the nature of it. A working frame of reference to observe, measure, and test to explain and understand. Yet without explanation about why and how life, matter, energy, and our dimensions exist. For example, is the presence of time within this Universe unique? Is there no such thing as time among other Universes, were they to exist? Simple questions no one can really answer without a perspective outside our own framework.
I’ve been spending a lot of time with astronomy and topics surrounding theoretical physics. So I got to thinking. Is it possible that the creation event wasn’t a one-time occurrence? That it continues on as driven within the framework of energy and matter?
As open and closed types of string forces move in and out of existence from other dimensions, they’re driven by a type of source that has remained in perpetuity. Meaning, there is a constant or eternal source independent of time in order for matter and energy to remain together or structured as they are.
Universal objects which took millions of light-years to get to here are a completely different time reference which no longer exist as they were. Atoms with components that orbit a central nucleus are of the same type of model as galaxies and solar systems (i.e. quantum & universal). Relatively speaking, the scale between the two is immense, but with a design that is roughly common.
As the universe continues to expand, it accelerates. However, from a point of reference that originates energy and matter, its position still relatively insignificant as compared to other dimensions that exist also.
What God put into existence has a natural and ongoing bearing on how we understand reality is formed. I suspect that what’s behind Strings in other dimensions is God’s eternal intent that sets and keeps particles we measure in place regardless of scale. The difference between the physical, the spirit and the soul for example. Speculatively, as all reside as one within a range of moment slices (time), but two are eternal (i.e. independent of time) and not subject to decay or entropy as that which is within space and time.
When God ‘spoke’ creation into existence (to speak implies a physical effort), it wasn’t a one-time occurrence that lasts. What was spoken is still spoken and continues to propagate as that source of energy or spirit. Not as God spoke (past-tense), but that I AM’s spoken creation is sustained from a ‘place’ of continued tense independent of time. From our perspective, we are still in ‘day’ 5 of the creation narrative as given in Genesis.
Could it be that where the tripartite spirit, soul, and body exists in a more pertinent reality as compared to our physical being? We live among counter-parts of ourselves which we can’t see. Much like what energy source exists that serves as the structure behind strings that reach into other dimensions.
For some reason, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in and out of astronomy and NASA applications, texts and videos. Several of the sort on the iPad, Android, and desktop. Remember, the posts some while back about the Higgs-Boson (God Particle) discovery?
And now just more recently Brian Greene’s Q&A at some notable gathering. Something in passing mentioned to negate any type or kind ‘beginning’ as a theory. That the Universe maybe doesn’t exist with an ending as entropy requires. Where time no longer exists ‘thereafter’, but ‘ever-after’. That time exists not as causal, but in continuity without beginning and without end. A sort of a shadow of eternity, but in a physical form of sorts with just a few dimensions. That we know about at least.
“Let Us make mankind in our image” (Gen 1:26). It is perhaps as to say, “let us make the Universe as our Kingdom or realm”. Or is it to assume the separation an invalid proposition? That we exist as a subset of something ‘more’, different, better. I really dislike the word ‘huge’ as a way to express better or added significance.
More locally, NASA is working on a large-scale entry vehicle to place people on Mars. Tests are being carried out to accomplish that landing. A sort of effort (feat) to demonstrate utter defiance. To explore the surface of a place wiped of life, but an endeavor very much worth our while. To see if life existed there before. Which is really the question and the point of going. Our tower of Babel.
This morning in the shower again the wonder was there about the nature of beings that exist elsewhere. Something inside says ‘they’re’ there (plural), but not as life necessarily as one may expect. Questions about the presence of good and evil, or is it just us? Is it just our story or meaning?
This afternoon during a walk (and yesterday) I’ve been giving too much thought on CME and the idea of a microplasma wave and how to replicate it and put it into practical use.
E=MC^2 means energy is equivalent to mass times the square of the speed of light. Or said another way, mass equals the square of light speed divided into some amount of mass. This is not an object of fixed weight by the density of some reference by gravity, but by physical matter with relative weight by any reference.
If particles can’t move faster through time, the same particles gain mass through a Higgs field.
Ever since the Higgs Boson was discovered, I have been checking back again and again about where that would go. Too many times, I have watched CERN videos to understand the data and the mechanisms by which we got here. That is the method by which matter was formed along the Higgs field as particles were spreading out at a distance over a short stretch of time.
Among others, I have gone through this perspective video (video) numerous times. And what is fearful is what Quantum Entanglement seems to mean. That plus the fact that the behavior of atomic and subatomic objects with quantum characteristics have their meaning or behavior only when observed. The act of observation brings out different results and measurements as compared to the unobserved properties of quantum mechanics.
All this to say, our beings are a composite of energy and less mass than we expect. In that, our existence consists mostly not of mass, flesh, or clay, but of energy. No idea what all that means as yet, but the learning and discovery continue to see where it all goes.
This one I’ve seen the most between Atlas and CMS because I am concerned that the measurements between both Higgs were observed as having quantum entanglement. I suspect the “theoretical adjustment” will have to account for more than one particle type or the same particle in two different places at the same time. Conversely, two of the same identical particles in the same place at the same time. Catching the same particle in two places at once. As two of the same in the same place while in the act of simultaneously moving forward and backward in time. As if this particle exists independent of time where ever it appears, whatever its place, or however it comes about.
Today I spent time going through Ligonier’s lecture on causality or the nature of cause and effect. That with every effect in this physical universe, there must be a cause. R.C. Sproul proceeded to refute each argument about the idea that there are some effects without a cause. And that more specifically, according to Hume, all effects are simply a series of events ‘in contiguity’.
Sproul contends that with every effect, there’s something that sets it in motion. That something must at some point exist independent of a cause to produce an effect. To forward the thought that there is no separate being outside of what it takes to produce cause and effect, Hume’s idea is a self-spawned point of convenience. Or at best, a misunderstanding about the nature of God and His independence from the dimension of time. Contrary to Hume’s view, God is not somehow co-mingled with “everything” or put into effect by some cause.
Rather, it’s logically accurate to conclude that you can not expect to see anything come out of nothing (i.e., the law of contradiction). Or, more specifically, concerning Creation and the existence of God, something out of nothing when God is independent of time and our physical universe. God isn’t required to exist through external cause. God is an eternal being. An uncaused cause. For us, God is the first cause, either through order not understood or otherwise.
Remember the project designed to smash protons together at 7 TeV? The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland has just ramped up to the full 7 TeV (the LHC’s design limit), and there are millions of collisions in the making for well over a year ahead. Hopefully, without us forming a black-hole in someone’s yard along the way.
What’s the point?
Based on string theory, the Graviton is thought to exist and travel beyond the dimensions we know. So, for new particles to emit from protons crashing into each other at the speed of light, it’s theorized that the Graviton particle will move or escape into the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and/or the 11th dimensions after they’ve collided.
A graviton particle discovered to have vanished within the LHC during a collision event will get traced and studied for its meaning. Dimensions 5 through 11 beyond our plane of existence reside in another universe or other universes beyond that which hosts our stars, galaxies, planets, and space.
If the God Particle (Higgs-Boson) is found and enters into another dimension, our view of reality will get turned inside out. Where parallel universes are no longer the tales of crackpots and forms of gravity may become how we understand and communicate with universes or planes of existence outside our own.