From a cursory understanding of Middle-Eastern history, it is apparent that the empires that formed were superseded to bring about the arrival of Christ on Earth. Conditions were sovereignly orchestrated as each empire rose to power and fell to usher in the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies that culminated at the beginning of Christendom. Both Scripture and early historical records give us the specifics about what occurred during the apostolic age to include the epic backdrop that preceded it.
Throughout the recorded biblical and apocryphal world before the arrival of Christ, the sequence of macro-historical events included the capture of the Northern Kingdom by Assyria in 722 BC., the capture of Jerusalem and Judea by Babylon in 586 BC, the fall of the Babylon empire to Persia in 539 BC, the fall of the Persian empire to Alexander the Great beginning in 480 BC, then finally the fall of the Greek empire to the Roman empire at about 146 BC. This historical sequence of upheaval was recorded by the prophet Daniel (chapters 2 and 7) to fulfill prophecies about kingdoms that would come and go to shape the forthcoming conditions for the arrival of Yahweh as incarnated through Jesus our Messiah.
During the rise and fall of empires across time, the development of the biblical world was underway. The direct and inferred meta-narrative of the preparation of Christ’s arrival and the spread of the gospel involved the infrastructure and social systems set in place to facilitate the dissemination of Yahweh’s good news. The great commission of Christ was not given to His apostles absent the conditions able to help propagate the good news.
Specifically, infrastructure and social systems included language, written communication, trade, local and distributed governments, merchant sea routes, roads, social classes, economies/currencies, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, and so forth. When the time was right, and just before the world’s population began its geometric growth, Christ arrived on the world stage to complete His work with the gospel He charged His followers to spread. Under the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’s teachings, Scripture, growing Church tradition, and apostolic instructions, the fertile ground was tilled to sow the seeds of the gospel for the growth of the Kingdom of God, for His glory, and the redemption of His people throughout humanity.