Tag Archives | hope

Artifacts of Prophetic Reason

To see if there is anything of more value from Scripture in terms of the overall prophetic message of those before us, we have many examples as offered by the historical records. Specifically, to get a look into the character of God, by what He says and does. From His judgment, and his mercy, we have historical accounts of what happened to Israel and Judah while they were in open rebellion against Him. So, to see further how God thinks and acts while people reject Him, here is the basic three-part message of His prophets and their indictments.

You have broken the covenant, and you had better repent

 The people of Yahweh (Israel and Judah) were guilty of violating their covenant oath with Him. Their egregious behaviors specifically were concerning idolatry, social injustice, and religious ritualism. Therefore, the pre-exilic prophets were highly active in confronting the people for these offenses with explicit and specific details about where they were in rebellion and error. Their continued and stored up sin before Yahweh was at the root of their objection, and they were pressed upon the people to name names, specific conditions and incidents, and the depravity they were engaged in.

The three indictments of God through the prophets were as follows:


They were actively worshiping the idols of Baal and Asherah. The people were desecrating the temple, defiling themselves, and serving pagan false gods that were forbidden according to the Mosaic covenant with Yahweh.

Biblical Injustice

There were people oppressed, neglected, abused, and mistreated among the people of Yahweh. In violation of covenant stipulations given in Deuteronomy, the people were not abiding by the terms of their agreement with God. To care for the needy, support those in poverty, feed the hungry, care for the orphan, and plead the widow’s cause.

Religious Ritualism

The people exchanged their relationship with Yahweh for rote religious practices that included sacrifices and going through the motions of ceremonies, offerings, and fasting.

If you do not repent, you and other nations will be judged

The prophet’s direct and clear message was to inform offenders that their impending doom is certain unless they turn back and return to Yahweh. If they do not, they will be destroyed by violence, enslavement, disease, hunger, and disaster.

There is hope beyond judgment

For Israel, Judah, and the nations, there is hope for restoration in the future beyond judgment. Relationships will overshadow ritual and legalism. A new exodus will occur through a new covenant, and the Lord will dwell in the hearts of His people.

Three Times Declared

Recall when Jesus was watching Peter, His chosen apostle, deny Him three times. Three times declared, in front of all the people who were with him. Just a short distance away, Jesus was arrested and in the custody of the authorities. The crowds were there among them, and Peter was the man who Jesus said, “Upon this rock, I will build my Church.” The man who just denied him on three separate occasions while in the view of the Lord and God He loved.

Afterward, Jesus eventually permitted His Roman executioners to put Him to death. And yet, while found innocent during the Lord’s “trial,” the Roman ruler Pilate made it understood to everyone Jesus was without fault. The Roman authorities crucified Him anyway by choice of the religious leaders in Jerusalem.

After the Lord’s crucifixion, His body was placed in a tomb where, after 3-days, He rose again as promised. Then as recorded in Scripture, He shortly after that returned to His apostles. To those He loved, He restored. He brought them renewed hope.

Tend My Sheep

He revealed His presence and identity to His Apostles. The third time He did so, He fed them while on the beach at the Sea of Tiberias (Jn 21:1). At the break of dawn, they together had fish for breakfast on the coastline that day. Then what is yet even more astonishing is what happened next. Follow along.

So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My lambs.”

He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes Lord; You know that I love you.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.”

He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me? “Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.”

– John 21:15-17

Love Renewed & Love Restored

Do you see what happened here? Simon Peter and others were out at sea fishing. Back to his livelihood, but wasn’t catching anything. He wasn’t attending the Kingdom of God that was just established on Earth among the nations. The Lord’s followers appointed to Peter were unattended as His mission was set before his disciples. “Do you love me more than these,” were Jesus’s words. More than these fish. More than Peter’s occupation, and more than Peter’s livelihood.

It was here that Jesus restored Peter, His chosen shepherd for the people of Israel. This is the Rock on which is built the Lord’s church.

Yet even while Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus restored Peter’s place through grace and forgiveness. In the act of incredible and infinite mercy, Jesus restores Peter by having him declare his love for the Lord three times. Even while Jesus knew Peter’s heart, his devotion, and his never-ending love, He got Peter back on his feet, spiritually speaking.

Follow the Light

Last night a delivery was made to my dad’s house. In the dark a knock at the door from a man who had a large bag which contained a supply of morphine. What is morphine? A pain medication of the opiate type which is found naturally in a number of plants and animals. It acts directly on the central nervous system. It is the latest attempt at relieving the pain associated with my Dad’s cancer that is terminal and has grown throughout his body. He has tried numerous pain suppression types to now involve a more potent form of medicine, but this is the substance to relieve trauma all the way through to his passing.

He doesn’t have long. In the past two weeks, I have been pouring into his soul through prayer, testimony, time in the word, encouragement and daily help here and there. Entering a time of hospice, he will become closer to our Lord’s kingdom. From a couple of days ago, he has approximately two months or so left. Another image of God moving into eternity toward His glory and His purposes.