Tag Archives | punishment

Fear of God

But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.

Luke 19:27

To echo the words of Jesus, He said, “Fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell (Mt 10:28).” This is eternal punishment for sin and unbelief. More than anyone throughout the entire Bible, Jesus spoke of this place of torment. He referred to it as a fiery furnace and outer darkness, depending upon a given point of reference. It is an eternal fire.

Where this place is not a natural outcome or consequence of bad choices or rejecting God, it is not merely self-imposed; it is the penalty of God’s wrath. It is a place of infinite rage imposed by a holy God for legitimate reasons.

If God, who is infinitely worthy, honorable, and desirable, holds infinite authority and value is rejected, that rejection becomes an infinitely outrageous offense. Where is a situation to, therefore, requires appropriate punishment. Moreover, to quote John Piper:

Hell is not an overreaction to small offenses. It is a witness to the infinite worth of God and to the outrageous dishonor of human sin. – John Piper, “What Jesus Demands of the World” Pg 98.

The urgency of Jesus’ words is, therefore, great mercy. It is a warning that God, our Father’s wrath, is infinite toward those who distrust the one who loved us and gave His Son to die in our place.

This warning to live in a holy fear is an abundant gift and great mercy.