As the morning mist of Yosemite Valley burns off the trees on the forest floor, you can not help but half expect to smell the odor charred bark or smoke. Here we stand in the presence of three states of matter. Here we see their transformation. It’s evaporation.
Tag Archives | yosemite
Yosemite Gem
The mysterious Mt Watkins. Tucked back behind the more prominent features of Yosemite Valley. Standing opposite of Half Dome along the Tenaya Canyon, it has a character all its own. For generations, you see sketches and photos of this monolith in Yosemite without as much fanfare or notoriety as the others such as El Cap, Three Brothers, Sentinel Royal Arches, and Half Dome.
Ebb & Flow
With new pages added to this site, I’m more able to post images and messages while out and about. When I post to Instagram and Facebook, they will now appear here as well as a running collection over time. Over time, this content will post less frequently to social sites, but here instead. The farther I go and the more I learn gets added, the more relevant and timely content gets produced for this site.
Visual Bearing
After a few more lessons about processing images for better resolution, expression, and range, I’ve further experimented with large photos in both raw and jpg to see what would happen. Under different lighting conditions and color depths. With a few images, some of the adjustments were over-pronounced and edited, but the exercise was largely about seeing what the tools would do along with their visual effect.
In this image of Yosemite Valley, the subtle changes made were around light intensity, shadows, highlights, and exposure. Nothing added or removed from the original composition.
Most of all, a key principle I’ve learned is about where a scene begins. What meaning and intent is meant or said at the outset in a visual way. From there, the creative process extends to a crafted image that leads a viewer wanting to be there or wanting more.
Mile By Mile
Today was a new day in Yosemite with the wonder and inspiration that goes with it. Always a new perspective and place to explore. Step after step and place by place we were out and about to experience the absolute and incredible beauty of this place.
Tomorrow is a new day and a day of renewal. A time redeemed because these days will one day be gone. As all the others that went before them, but only in these places of beauty. Today I smiled and laughed more than I ordinarily do. Not because of those I’m with, but because of what and Who is here.
So what did I do with this time given? And with the decisions about how I choose to think and believe. Mile by mile and one step at a time.
Tomorrow, a new day. A fresh start with anticipation about what’s next. Up at dawn, tomorrow we go higher in elevation.
Sway & Persuasion
More than once today, I’ve thought about our time in the mountains for all these years. A blessing and a privilege, or a gift because of unmerited favor. Whether by grace or circumstance, did we really orchestrate circumstances to see what we have seen, feel, and understand what was upon us? What I am very much grateful for is common for some, I suppose.
Yosemite’s inspiration and awe are just as strong today as it was well over 15 years ago. I can remember hiking back from Harden lake in Yosemite and taking a rest under a tree. It was an overnight backpack, and I was exhausted, but not quite back to the trailhead. Under the tree with my back at rest against the trunk, I looked up at the leaves and branches swaying in the breeze straight above me. I could feel the same breeze with my eyes closed, but while soaked and in over my head with where I was at. The breeze didn’t just make its way over me but through me. And I think just maybe it was more than the wind of nature but something more where the wind reaches the soul, with its sway and persuasion.
Something happened that day right then and there. Something changed and that is when it all began.
Still River
Were it not for the river in the wilderness, the wild places we visit just would not have any meaning or life. Rivers give life and they carve vast mountains and rock over a long range of time. The cascades, falls, streams, creeks, lakes, rivers or tributaries have all their own character and beauty. They give their host energy and renewal. They inspire and speak of a force unstoppable. They move swiftly and steadily at times. Highly perilous and terrifying while unmatched in beauty and attraction.
Unmoved and calm, the river still washes, cleanses, and reminds anyone of its haunting presence.
Tenaya Canyon
The photos of the Tenaya Canyon loop trip are loaded. In one of the images here, I am reminded about Ryan asking about the people of the wide gaping mouth. The place of the Yosemite under Chief Tenaya. Here we sprawled our way out along his creekside bank. The father fully aware of the chief’s place here and what happened to his three sons. The son here with me learning more about the wilderness and his place within in it.
So I am reminded about the Ahwahneechee legends of long ago who were the dwellers of this land who cared for it. Yet still oblivious of their significance. Once we returned to our home, grey skies, and asphalt, Ryan summarily asked when are going back.
Yosemite Impression
Quite some while ago, I remember being impressed by a woman who boarded a shuttle I was on to Tuolumne. She was ratted out from being in the wilderness for too long. Her gear and condition showed it. She was small but had to be in her 60’s or so. She was on the shuttle getting from point a to point b and it was entirely pleasing to be in such great company.
It appeared that she was getting the best of her time to live in a way to make up for what was lost. She seemed at peace, she was talkative and she made an impression. I didn’t get her name and I regret that.
Today my family and I trekked the 5-mile Tenaya Canyon loop in Yosemite. We are still in Yosemite and we will be here for a few days. Good time to be out and about among the rushing waters, the lakes, and birds of the air.