Trace of a Saint

Higher Calling

Set apart and called for a purpose isolated, narrow, and exceedingly difficult to live. To press and to strive, to be willing to go and do. To produce and make certain the miracle of obedience born within.

Having just finished a slow-walk study of Acts where the ancient manuscript ends with the Apostle Paul in Rome, I have again undertaken a careful effort to go through the book of Romans. To retrace steps earlier taken. On the hope that the words will bring life and they are life and echo well beyond where we are.

I am newly awakened that the next 16 chapters are loaded with deep meaning from the Eternal and Most High. Far beyond my ability to absorb too much at once, I find myself going in reverse quite a bit. A rewind and retake of sorts to ponder, “Father what did you just say?” or “what was that again?” Numerous times anew to push me back in my seat and just mumble ‘wow’. Revealed are the words falling afresh. To newly accept what is accomplished as reality from a perspective that is not my own.

Out of my isolation, I am made aware and informed. Of a truth that I have seen before but have not recognized.

These are the words:

To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

For some reason, especially certain and assured that these words will have the greatest bearing in the afterlife.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.

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