MatPltLib, OpenCV, Numpy, Visual Studio IDE, & Python

There are numerous configuration requirements involved in the setup and operation of the Jetson unit to produce relevant AI related projects. To support meaningful project activity, these are the steps to go through. Much of this effort

  • Install and update Linux
  • Install Visual Studio Code IDE
  • Install Python 3 using VS Code IDE
  • Install Code Interpreter
  • Install and update openCV library for AI applications
  • Install Numpy library for numerical function support
  • Install MatPltLib to plot mathematical operations and arrays

Upon completion of the setup walk-through, the short initialization program is necessary to get the camera operating. This initialization code adds libraries and configures the camera with settings unique to its resolution limits or parameters.

Rear port view of Jetson Nano prepared for updates.
Front view of Jetson with RPi camera module. It is also possible to run a USB webcam as well.
Visual Studio Code Integrated Development Environment (IDE). A host environment to support code languages such as Python.
Python 3 installation, confirmation to indicate version and readiness. After installation it is necessary to install the interpreter that runs beneath Python.
Once MatPltLib and Numpy is installed, sine and cosine functions are run as separate plots graphed. Or linear data is run as x and y array variables from memory. Simply to test and observe the numerical operation support along with the plotting utility.
Once openCV is installed and updated from the Linux terminal, set up and configuration is required to begin operating the Jetson unit and camera to support tracking and overlay for objection detection and computation.
Installation command and activity to install openCV. To update openCV it is necessary to remove the latest installed package version using the sudo apt-get remove python3-openCV.


☩ Christ is King. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Theological Studies.

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