The Path of Treasured Burden

When considering how God prepared Paul for his work among both Jews and Gentiles during his life, there were very specific outcomes both favorable and unfavorable to many people. Especially concerning those who were in Jerusalem and well beyond that into Asia Minor and Macedonia.

After Jesus confronted Paul on the road to Damascus, the Holy Spirit entered Paul through Ananias’s appointed visit. Jesus had informed Ananias that Paul must carry His name before the Gentiles and that he would suffer for the sake of His name. So as Ananias prayed and placed his hands upon Paul, his sight was restored, and the Holy Spirit took up residence within Paul to begin the work that Jesus had set up for Paul to accomplish. As Paul was a fierce adversary of the Church, Jesus selected Paul and transformed that energy and drive into work for the Kingdom. Along the way, Paul’s hardened character would withstand numerous trials and abuses as a cost of proclaiming the gospel to people both receptive and hostile.  

Jesus chose an aggressive iron workhorse, so to speak, for the work of His Kingdom. His hardened constitution, intelligence, background, and grit oriented him to take the gospel to many Gentile peoples through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, care, protection, and inspiration. Moreover, his strong spirit was integral to the Holy Spirit’s work in the early church to resolve issues surrounding the integrity of the gospel among Judaizers and Jewish Church leaders who insisted on keeping Hebrew traditions and requirements. Peter, James, John, and others at the Jerusalem council rejected undue attachments to the gospel and supported both Paul and Barnabas in their missionary efforts and teaching. To the relief of God-fearers outside Judea and Samaria, Gentiles who attended synagogues to worship and honor Yahweh were overjoyed at the news of the gospel. Yet also of their acceptance and freedom to love and serve Him in truth.

Before Paul’s transformation, he witnessed the killing of Stephen. In fact, he indirectly and passively participated through his approval. Among the mob, he heard Stephen’s message to include the testimonies and pleadings of others he persecuted. Through violence, trauma, and social upheaval, Paul caused immense harm to the early Church. Thinking he was serving the interests of Judaism, its traditions, and the leadership in Jerusalem, the magnitude of his error was stratospheric. Yet while he was in full-speed motion in the wrong direction while carrying about in evil conduct against the Church, he pressed upon individuals one-by-one until he would bring them all to “justice.” Offended by betrayal against tradition and who the Messiah was to be, he became an outspoken critic and violent persecutor of people who were actually followers of Christ he would come to know. 

Jesus selected Paul as a qualified higher caliber Israelite with an impressive background to promptly and permanently refute attempts to dismiss his credibility, zeal, ethnicity, and righteousness. His experience, academics, hardships, dangers, persecutions, and sufferings were a testimony to the truth of his proclamations, teachings, and claims. His pedigree was potent enough to render accusations and criticisms against him as nonsense. There would be no room for indifference or dismissal of his messages from false perceptions surrounding an inferior background people might have assumed. As a Jewish and Roman citizen, he was a well-developed and resourceful individual, multilingual, and highly educated. He was highly qualified and well-formed to speak with influence and authority before his Hebrew contemporaries, the indigent, and distant Gentiles, about historical covenants, the law, and prophetic promises concerning their Messiah. Yet who prevailed upon Paul was Christ as witnessed by many. As everything else he achieved was counted as loss for the sake of his treasured possession in Jesus as Lord. 


Acts Chapters 7-9; Acts 21:39-22:21; 2 Corinthians 11:22-28; Galatians 1:14-2:2; Philippians 3:4-6.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.

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