Moody – Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

Title: Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret
Published by: Moody Classics
Release Date: June 1, 2009
Contributors: Dr. Howard Taylor (Author), Geraldine Taylor (Author), George Verwer (Foreword)
Pages: 272
ISBN13: 978-0802456588

Back Cover

Something seemed to say, "Your prayer is answered; your conditions are accepted." And from that time the conviction has never left me that I called to China.

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret is the story of a man whose life was hidden with Christ. As Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor write, "Hudson Taylor had many secrets, yet they were but one - the simple, profound secret of drawing for every need, temporal or spiritual, upon the fathomless wealth of Christ."

Compelled to share the gospel with the unreached people of China, Hudson Taylor devoted his life to this purpose. Landing in China in 1854 and eventually founding China Inland Mission (now OMF International), Taylor lived his life in complete abandon of all things temporal and in utter dependence on God for his every need.


A spiritual biography of the "father of modern missions,"Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret poses one question: What empowered Hudson Taylor's ministry in China?

The answer is unfolded in these pages. Written by Taylor's son and daughter-in-law, it shows us a man with fierce faith who believed that God truly would fuflill all He promises in Scripture.

For Christians longing for the inward joy and power that Hudson Taylor had, they can find the secret to it here. The secret, it turns out, is available to any who call on Christ's name.

"An easy, non-self-denying life will never be one of power," Taylor said. "Fruit-bearing involves cross-bearing. There are not two Christs—an easygoing one for easygoing Christians, and a suffering, toiling one for exceptional believers. There is only one Christ. Are you willing to abide in Him, and thus to bear much fruit?"

DR. FREDERICK HOWARD TAYLOR (1862-1946) was a British missionary to China and the son, James Hudson Taylor, the founder of China Inland Mission. He completed his diploma at the Royal London Hospital in 1888 Howard and his wife, GERALDINE, wrote several books about his father¿s ministry and their own experiences in China.

GERALDINE TAYLOR (1862-1948) was born in London and as a young lady had a burden for the downcast and depressed girls who worked in the factories in the east end of London. For a number of years she had a very fruitful ministry among the factory girls helping to elevate the downtrodden. In 1888 she felt the call of God to missionary service and, under the China Inland Mission, went to China. It was here that she met and married Howard Taylor and embarked on a very rich, long ministry in China and around the world. They were greatly used of the Lord to challenge people for missions, particularly missions in China.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.
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