MacArthur – Revelation 1-11 MacArthur NT Commentary

Title: Revelation 1-11 MacArthur New Testament Commentary
Published by: Moody Publishers
Release Date: April 15, 1999
Contributors: John MacArthur
Pages: 352
ISBN13: 978-0802407733

No book in the scripture reveals the glory of God and Christ in more splendor than Revelation. At the same time, no book has been more misunderstood or neglected. Yet God wants His children to know this book, and blessings are stored up for those who study its riches.

Join John MacArthur as he explains each verse in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical. Taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage, MacArthur tackles interpretive challenges and fairly evaluates differing views, giving the reader confidence in his conclusions.

The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series comes from the experience, wisdom, and insight of one of the most trusted ministry leaders and Bible scholars of our day. Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.

A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.
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