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Sparse Desolation

Leaving treeline in the Eastern Sierra has a distinct atmospheric feel to it. Not just by the altitude and reduced available oxygen level, but by the exposure and sparse shade that becomes more apparent. Either by miles from a trailhead or right when starting out, the terrain and shape of the wilderness tell a story. About its conditions, but also about what the area means to you while having been there.

Healing Beauty

Sometimes there are much higher hardships and costs to get to places that are much more remote. Yet once there, the reward makes it all entirely worthwhile. The abundance of wilderness features both near and far really brings out a deeper awareness of life.

In the words of John Muir, “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”

Contour of Color

Kings Canyon National Park

On a Summer afternoon heading down into the canyon, you often come upon fantastic views. The contour of the terrain, the color, and the range of flora comes into full display. The closer to the Fall season you are, the more likely you’re able to a greater variety of color both at a distance and up close.

Covered Path

Along the way to a destination, sometimes the best of the time is the route on the way. Because of what the time and place bring to you. With a heart of humility, without haste, to make way for what it is to dwell at the moment.

Burning Bush

Remember when such a bush spoke to us. Directly and indirectly. It’s the message (Gen 3:2-3) that was explicit and implicit by what it said and did. Ablaze metaphorically or otherwise to symbolize an intensity and state entirely dangerous and in demand of our attention. A command of authority by its beauty and behavior.

Forest Foliage

In early Spring with the forest floor still damp, you can feel and sense the quality of this area. Just before nightfall, I was out and about the Giant Forest area in Sequoia scouting about for wildlife and unique openings to contemplate and absorb the natural settings.

Soft Landing

Quite often when you break trail, you navigate through the brush, over the boulders and make your way to areas that invite you to set up camp or just remain awhile. Here I was out on a heading to Aster Lake below Alta Peak in Sequoia National Park. The peak in the distance is Alta Peak.

Shine Through

Another early morning through the forest near Wolverton led my partner and me through strong contrasts of shade and light. The range of colors and mood of the wilderness was a highlight of this outing. An unforgettable experience that continues to inspire me.


A grand sentinel that soars above the Kings River in Kings Canyon National Park. The meadows, the river, the forest, and the surrounding upper reaches make for the spiritual value of the wilderness here.


A sculpted lakes basin beneath Alta peak spreads out to invite explorers along the slopes of the Western Sierra mountains. The grandeur, the rough texture of granite, and the exquisite color and fragrance of the wilderness here attract more earnest explorers.

Deep Blue

Aster Lake at dusk makes for an inviting location off the trail and away from easy access. Unspoiled and fresh, this pristine upper sub-alpine lake captures the imagination with its history and its season-by-season change.


Heather Lake in the morning light brings calm and serenity to visitors who would venture this far into the wilderness. In this natural setting, your senses are piqued as you absorb the beauty and meaning of this place.