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In the Lord I Take Refuge

In the book “In The LORD I Take Refuge,” the author, Dane Ortlund, wrote a commentary alongside each chapter of the book of Psalms. As a Presbyterian pastor with a Ph.D., he offers reflections and observations of substantive value about the Psalter one chapter at a time. The book is with the ESV text of the Psalms prepared in a format where 150 devotions are presented to readers with the author’s encouragement, exhortation, rebuke, and the occasional call to repentance. He often echoes the Psalmists’ sentiments about the lovingkindness of the LORD through song and poetry. He also explores the range of literary meaning as the Psalms are sometimes imprecatory, messianic, prophetic, and musical in lyric and instruction. The range of inspired material prepared throughout the Psalms is covered in a practical way made relevant to readers immersed in everyday life.

The consistent pattern throughout the text is to bring practical application to the lives of believers. In a sense, this book is a work of ministry from the author to comfort readers, challenge them, and remind them of what God meant through the writers of Scripture. This book is not an academic work of interest but a personal journey of the heart and mind. To reflect on what God says to the reader about highly relevant and pertinent topics of interest. Praise, hardships, enmity, comfort, assurance, and promise are touched upon without scripture references elsewhere but are kept to the message within each Psalm at hand. The title chosen for the book is appropriate because it anchors the reader into the thread of meaning throughout the devotional commentary. In The LORD I Take Refuge covers a lot of ground as it is a call and response, or inform and response way to which the material is absorbed day by day. The book’s central point that the author returns to is the refuge of the LORD as the only true and lasting means of safety, protection, and peace from the issues of life with deep spiritual relevance.

The book’s title draws upon Psalm 11:1 phrase, “In the Lord I Take Refuge.” While the majority text, KJV and NKJV, reference the term “trust” instead of “refuge,” the critical text makes use of the translation rendering “refuge” from the original Hebrew Word defined as a place of safety or shelter. This poetic language brings to mind an image of withdrawal and separation to a place of security for protection. The title aligns with what the author intended to convey as he sought to capture what the Psalmists wrote as a body of work. There wasn’t attention placed on the structural or technical features of the text, as the book is intended as a daily companion of both practical and spiritual messages.

The author also uses the writings of historical figures within early Christianity, including the Reformers and the Puritans, to highlight substantive meaning about perspectives rendered by the Psalmists. In support of the author’s reading and comprehension of the subject matter, with its authoritative scriptural weight, correlating and pertinent perspectives from historical people of influence help drive home the points he continues to offer. The wide array of perspectives Orlund presents from these historical people of God goes a long way to substantiate the credibility of his observations and perspective. The author likely has much to say about the scriptural references, prayers, and reflections of the Patristic fathers, the Reformers, and the Puritans. The wide use of influential people throughout history isn’t for analytical purposes but for their unique perspectives from a time and setting set apart from post-modern society.

As Crossway is the publisher of this devotional book (ISBN: 978-1-4335-7770-3; hardcover, 409 pages), it is suitable for use among numerous people within the Reformed and Renewed traditions of the universal church. While the reflections about each Psalm are from a Reformed perspective, it is evangelical in tone and delivery without compromising the truth and intended meaning of Scripture. While it isn’t recommended that devotional time should be dedicated exclusively to the Psalter, it is a valuable companion to Scripture during personal time in the Word, during family worship and reading, or as a component of private liturgy.


Made visible by the ‘random’ verse of the day on my phone. First in sight upon awakening. “Good morning, Lord.”

“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” – 2 Thes. 3:3

To come back to the verse throughout the day as a reminder. A promise trusted and a promise kept.