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Gentle & Lowly

“Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers” is a book by Dane Ortlund that delves into the character and heart of Jesus Christ. Published in 2020, the book provides readers with an exploration of Jesus’s compassion, grace, and love, especially for those who are burdened by their sins or undergoing suffering. Ortlund bases his exploration primarily on the Bible, particularly the Gospels, as well as insights from Puritan writings.

Here’s a summary and review of the book:

  1. Introduction: Ortlund begins by emphasizing how Christians, while knowing about Jesus’s love, often don’t plunge into the depths of His compassionate heart. He argues that understanding Christ’s heart is crucial for our relationship with Him. The title itself is derived from Jesus’s words in Matthew 11:29, where He describes His heart as “gentle and lowly.”

  2. Jesus’s Heart for Sinners: Throughout the Gospels, Jesus often moves toward, rather than away from, those who are outcasts and sinners. Ortlund points out that Christ’s heart is drawn to our sins not to condemn us but to offer grace and redemption. This pattern can be observed in numerous New Testament stories, from the woman caught in adultery to Zacchaeus.

  3. Suffering and the Savior: Beyond sin, Jesus also has a profound heart for those who suffer. Whether it’s physical ailments, societal rejection, or spiritual torment, Christ’s response to human suffering is not detachment but deep, heartfelt compassion. This can be observed in the stories of Him healing the sick, raising the dead, or comforting the distressed.

  4. Insights from the Puritans: Ortlund frequently cites Puritan writers to reinforce and elaborate on his points. The Puritans, despite sometimes being seen as strict or joyless, had a profound understanding of the grace and love of Christ. Their writings often dwell on the inexhaustible depths of Christ’s mercy and His ever-welcoming heart.

  5. The Heart of God the Father: While the primary focus of the book is on Jesus, Ortlund also addresses the heart of God the Father. The Father’s heart is not different from that of Jesus. They are in perfect unity. Thus, God the Father also deeply loves and is moved by the plight of sinners and sufferers.

  6. The Role of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the one who applies the work of Christ to believers. Ortlund points out that the Spirit, too, is gentle with believers, slowly and patiently molding them into Christ’s image, sealing them for redemption, and assuring them of their place in God’s family.

  7. Living in the Light of Christ’s Heart: Towards the end, Ortlund discusses the implications of understanding Christ’s heart. Believers are called to rest in Christ’s love, to approach Him without fear or hesitation, and to extend the same grace they’ve received to others.

In “Gentle and Lowly,” Dane Ortlund offers a refreshing and deeply comforting portrayal of Christ, challenging believers to move beyond a mere intellectual acknowledgment of Jesus’s love to a heartfelt embrace of His compassion. For those feeling distant from God because of sin or suffering, the book serves as a reminder that Jesus’s heart is most strongly drawn to them in those very moments.