Tag Archives | sequoia

Deep Blue

Aster Lake at dusk makes for an inviting location off the trail and away from easy access. Unspoiled and fresh, this pristine upper sub-alpine lake captures the imagination with its history and its season-by-season change.


At Ten Mile Creek within Kings Canyon National Park, the range of color and the softness of the forest invite you to explore and get their good tidings. The lakes, the streams, and the rivers are all cleansing forms of energy to refresh and renew the body and soul.

Sacred Forest

When you consider the forest and its Sequoias, it hosts an endless variety of life. It is the place to return to peace and centeredness that reminds me that I am alive. That life is not just about work and personal success, but this is what it is to return to balance. To experience the wilderness is to experience the forests and what it brings to the soul.


Sometimes the height of the trees leads your view upward. And the contrast of hues and textures leaves so much open for the imagination. The growth and population of pines in the area of Zumwalt Meadows are quite distinct in richness and quality.

Soft Shade

Fall Colors Emerge Early in Season

With the shade and sunlight, the colors of Spring shift with the breeze only to pull on the imagination. Here in Sequoia National Park, the forest brings out shades of color that bring you in closer.

Fire Cloud

The soft hues below are accentuated by the fire in the sky above. As the overcast clouds above burn off from the sun overhead, the sunlight fades and passes away. To withdraw and leave behind the darkness. To make way for the promise of a new day.


When the evening sky opens up, there is a state of wonder that comes as with scenes such as this. How the symphony and balance of light between heaven and earth unfold to hold you in place.

Ancient Gathering

The difference between a conifer and a tree is that it produces seed-bearing cones. And these Sequoias are conifers that took thousands of years for them to grow at the dizzying heights we see.

Boole Tree

The Boole Tree is a lone survivor within the Converse Basin area of Sequoia National Forest. Surrounding it are the numerous exploited Sequoia’s that was logged many years ago.

Fallen Monarch

Sequoia’s have an incredible resistance to fire and disease, but even with time, they are susceptible to death by toppling over due to their own weight. Sequoia’s have a relatively shallow root system.

Towering Pillars

Hundreds and Thousands of Years Growth.
Hundreds and Thousands of Years Growth.

“The true ownership of the wilderness belongs in the highest degree to those who love it most.” -J. Muir

Sometimes taking the time for full immersion into the forest is all it takes to get your mind clear. To be in the moment and to dwell in the area that is just refreshing. Step by step through the enormous trees that tower before you along the way. To see, touch, and smell them is a unique experience for those who love such places the most.


Finding your way through a less obvious way.
Finding your way through a less obvious path.

This is what it looks like when the way to go is obvious, but doubt still settles in about it being the right way. Finding your way through an obscure path is either an exercise in risk or a wise decision made. Depending upon conditions or your perspective.