Tag Archives | space

Spin & Weave

J1407b (1SWASP J1407 b) is a spinning disk with a planet at its center. Discovered in 2012, this is what planet formation looks like in our galaxy. It is a giant gas planet which burns at about 600 degrees—made up of hydrogen and helium. A full day is about 7 ½ hours long, and it takes nearly 10-years for it to orbit around its sun (e.g., our 1-year with its seasons). Our relative weight on the planet is at about 62 times that of the Earth.

In a far off place from the Earth, the image cursor indicates where J1407b is located in the Milky Way galaxy.

Planet 1SWAP J1407b
Location of j1407b

Eternally Causal

Questions about what happened before creation, its onset, or the big bang. Plenty of speculation, but astrophysicists are beginning to see how the Universe was put in place and how it was formed. Does a Presence or Creator exist right here dimensionally adjacent to us? Theoretical physicists are working within this physical space to understand the nature of it. A working frame of reference to observe, measure, and test to explain and understand. Yet without explanation about why and how life, matter, energy, and our dimensions exist. For example, is the presence of time within this Universe unique? Is there no such thing as time among other Universes, were they to exist? Simple questions no one can really answer without a perspective outside our own framework.