Tag Archives | storm clouds

What Lies Below

On the descent from Vetter Mountain. Angry storm clouds can sometimes give quite the light show. Lightning that doesn’t strike still gives a loud and thunderous ripping sound when it is discharged to its atmosphere. The closer you are, the higher the heart-rate picks up. Accompanied by a distinct sulfur-like odor without any regard to the scent of my own fear. A fair price to pay for witnessing such places as this.


When exploring the upper ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains, you sometimes are confronted with stormy weather. While at times you can become enveloped in storm clouds, there are times when there are breaks in the weather to reveal nothing short of absolute glory.


Golden Horizon of the Pacific Ocean
Golden Horizon of the Pacific Ocean

At first look, you might think that the gold horizon is a reflection of the sun off the surface of the earth. When actually, this gold horizon is the Pacific ocean reflecting the sun as it sets in the West. There are several horizontal lines in this view I took from atop of a mountain.

Two are the ridgelines of mountain crests before me. The second is the storm clouds above. The next is the Pacific coastline. Then the horizon beyond the ocean. Thereafter the higher clouds in the distance.