Spin & Balance

Yosemite Stream

Today’s time was spent on blending practice. Several different images where some came out very hideous. This one was a final practice image for the day. Some photos I took quite some while ago.

Combined the same image across numerous layers to get an adjusted image with lens correction. Interwoven between two images a soft-light algorithm was applied with 50% opacity. Selective erasure and sharpening by an entirely different methodology. What you’re seeing are actually two copies of the same image combined and re-sampled together.

The depth of learning continues to better automate workflow through Actions. At least for photos that come together in quantity for outings. The manual process will stay indefinitely and with greater attention simply to get more from the creativity that follows. There is so much more to learn and practice.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.

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