
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Upon completion of the book O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, it has been about four months of liturgy in a structured format, the same as followed with the books O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and ...
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

The book O Come O Come, Emmanuel is a devotional compilation of materials structured in liturgical form. It is a work of beautiful material that follows the liturgical format of Be Thou My Vision. The ...
Inferno by Dante Alighieri

Inferno by Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri's "Inferno," the first part of his epic poem "The Divine Comedy," is one of the seminal works of Western literature. Written in the early 14th century, it provides a detailed account of the ...
Fount of Heaven

Fount of Heaven

"Fount of Heaven,” edited by Robert Elmer, is a book of assembled prayers from the Early Church. First published in 2022 by Lexam, these prayers originated from the writings of individuals within the patristic era ...
Rock and Sand

Rock and Sand

"Rock and Sand: An Orthodox Appraisal of the Protestant Reformers and Their Teachings" by Dr. Josiah Trenham significantly contributes to the ongoing dialogue between Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism. Published in 2015, this work aims to ...
The Hobbit

The Hobbit

"The Hobbit," or "There and Back Again," written by J.R.R. Tolkien and first published in 1937, is a timeless work in the fantasy genre, offering a richly imagined world filled with memorable characters, profound themes, ...
Visions of the Devoted

Visions of the Devoted

The book Be Thou My Vision is a devotional compilation of materials structured in liturgical form. The book's substance is ordered so that a believer delves into areas of pertinent interest. The book is 345 ...
A Message from Enfield

A Message from Enfield

After the Puritan period of Christian faith and practice, few figures drew as much reverence as Jonathan Edwards. Born on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Connecticut, Edwards emerged as a figure who significantly influenced ...
The Story of a Soul

The Story of a Soul

"Story of a Soul" ("L'Histoire d'une Âme") is an autobiographical work by St. Thérèse of Lisieux (Marie Françoise-Thérèse Martin), a Carmelite nun and one of the most venerated figures in modern Catholicism. Thérèse The book ...
All of Grace

All of Grace

In "All of Grace," Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the renowned 19th-century Baptist preacher, offers a timeless exploration into the heart of Christian theology: the doctrine of grace. Not merely a theoretical exposition for academic theologians, this ...
Gentle & Lowly

Gentle & Lowly

"Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers" is a book by Dane Ortlund that delves into the character and heart of Jesus Christ. Published in 2020, the book provides readers with ...
Where the Bells Toll

Where the Bells Toll

Tollhouses, in Eastern Orthodox theology, refer to a somewhat controversial and debated concept about the soul's journey after death. The term "tollhouse" is a bit of a metaphor, suggesting that just as one might have ...
The Ancient Path

The Ancient Path

Having carefully read Holiness, by J.C. Ryle, I sought to put forth an effort to better understand what holiness is. To inform my spirit what it specifically is from the authority of biblical imperatives and ...
The Institutes: Prolegomena

The Institutes: Prolegomena

In the turbulent backdrop of the 16th-century Reformation, a profound voice emerged that would shape the contours of Protestant theology for generations to come. In his seminal work "Institutes of the Christian Religion," John Calvin ...
The Abolition of Man

The Abolition of Man

C.S. Lewis's "The Abolition of Man" is a defense of objective values against the encroachments of subjectivism and relativism. While Lewis's arguments are informed by various sources, the classical Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle ...