Programmable Pulse Timer Concept & Design

As more circuit builds come about, they’re increasing in density. Bought the parts. Gerber files, drill codes and netlist off to the fabrication house now. The programmable timing module design is finished. With hardware debugging ahead a few minor adjustments are expected once results are validated. This is a mixed-mode project where both plated through-hole and surface mount components are applied.

In a micro-slot format, this is a module intended for use in a free-standing application. With pulse speed and duty cycle setting completed manually via jumpers and a trimmer, separate outputs are assigned to independent and isolated pins at the micro-slot header.

Here is a tentative sketch of what it looks like.


Servant of Christ Jesus. U.S. Military Veteran, Electrical Engineer, Pepperdine MBA, and M.A. Biblical and Theological Studies.

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